welcome to mindful health
Thank you for visiting my website!
Years ago I struggled with digestive issues, a hormone imbalance, metal toxicity and more. As a result, I created a holistic health office, company and brand - now called Mindful Health.
I look at those darker days as a blessing because it has now become my mission to help others! Everything that I offer, whether it’s a service or a product line, is something that helped me on my own holistic health journey. Feel free to browse and if you have questions let me know!
Looking forward to working with you,
Mindful Health™ is a holistic health company in New York City founded by Nicole Glassman.
Our strong foundation in holistic medicine, emotional healing and natural lifestyle support helps our clients to heal, feel, and develop a more intuitive understanding of their bodies. We offer a variety of holistic health services, cleanses, and retreats that are fully customizable to suit individual needs.
If you're seeking holistic health and nutrition services in NYC - we're here for you.
We believe there is typically more to the healing process than assessing one factor of health. Many ailments are rooted in emotional, environmental, and nutritional imbalances. Our aim is to create balance to introduce a better, all-natural wellness program that specializes in detoxifying the body, empowering the mind and healing the soul.